The Reconnection of Remembering: We are One

We are part of this unified field. We are expressive, diverse, and whole. The modern, medical model has created many specialists and separatist theories that have sometimes created a divided view of how we see ourselves from whole/holy.

We DO want to know if the food we are feeding our children and grandchildren is safe and healing! Let us reclaim our mother bear instincts!

Our healing begins as we connect compassionately to our planet’s biome, as the whole interconnected and pulsating network it is. We may begin to ask ourselves:

  • What is my interconnection to Earth? To view the cosmos as a biome, I ask myself, “Is the world I am building, what I want for our grandchildren to inherit?”

  • Where did the nutrition in our food go? Where are the nutrients in our soil, the spring in our step, the easy smile on our faces?

Interwoven into this is the understanding that living, uncontaminated, microbial-rich soils are innovators of great souls in motion. We may begin to piece it together that: glyphosate and chemicals in genetically modified organisms (GMO), food, and conventional-sprayed food inflame the entire body and open the tight, single-cell, protective mucosa colon-lining junctions; radiation exposure creates chaos; turning off Wi-fi when not in use and deep breathing helps one feel calmer; and eating and drinking specific substances will affect mood and energy. We may begin to feel we have personal healing power within the practice of “healthy living” and whole-person reclamation. Whenever the mind-body is disconnected and unwell, we are at a crossroad; to numb out symptoms or “to bring fierce compassionate inquiry and attention upon it,” as my favourite “doctor of fierce inquiry,” Dr. Gabor Mate, teaches. Throughout this book, we move towards a happy gut. However, since so much of the root of disease begins in the EarthGut manifesting in the mind-body, people searching for answers for their mind-body out of harmony may find this information of value on their journey as well. People who’ve connected gut health as the root cause, as the first investigative protocol of whole-body healing, find gut health relevant for the treatment of every disease.

When I began to understand how to connect the dots that all the dedicated scientists, seekers, physicians, biologists and farmers set before me, healing began on a whole new playing field and I truly understood: When fear sits in the fire of our bellies and bathes in gut inflammation, it makes it incredibly challenging to navigate our way into rest and nutrition. When it is allowed to burn up the rubbish, we will stop burning—deep and kind compassionate inquiry will begin and we are on our way back home.