Eating for Peace with Dr Will Tuttle


Published on: November 27, 2019, at 8:13 AM

An interview with the author, ‘compassion communicator’ Dr Will Tuttle. We look at the connection between a planet out of harmony, riddled with dis-ease and living in a culture of death and suffering; into an easy and compassionate cure, veganism.

A 39-year vegan, advocate and teacher, Will discuss with Tami the kind solution and how essential it is we heed the call HOME.

Tami’s upcoming book available in December of 2019 EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love and Microbes and how our reconnection to microbial-rich living soil and all sentient being will be our ‘fast-track’ to a much more benevolent and healthy heart-centred world.

We invite you to open your hearts and imagine…Peace on Earth!!
